Timeless Euro Landmarks Need Facelifts Too!

When I first traveled to Europe, I didn't consider the loving care and restoration given the many landmarks. These restorations sustain the brilliance of the architecture of the time it was built. Above is the Eiffel Tower in Paris dated 1890 and my photo to the right 1973. Although, not much has changed, they've added electronic signage to announce special events. I took the photo below in 1999. The Tower was built in 1889 as an entrance to the World's Fair. It stands 1050 feet tall. You can see the signage added for special events. When I took this photo it was nearing (283 jours or days) until the millennium celebration of 2000. See the old and new comparison photos of very popular landmarks: The Rome Colosseum Photo on left taken about 1890 and mine on the right is 1973 when cars were able to drive around the structure. Here is one of my photos from 1999 where it appears the architectural trim h...