Royal Wedding Chic

Kate's evening attire on her wedding party.

As simple chic wedding for a Royal couple the 
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
NIGEL RAYMENT - Rose Bow Fascinator 
                                                                                         Harrods and an Alexander McQueen cluctch

The Place
My collage of the London route for the wedding.  Westminster Abbey middle.

Windsor and Buckingham Palaces

Buckingham Palace

My photo of the Parliament-Westminster Abbey on the River Thames and official route below.

map of London shpwing the route of the royal wedding and various points of interest


ARMAND DE BRIGNAC - Ace of Spades Rosé 
Victoria Mag left, Harrod's Champagne

  WALKERS - Royal Wedding Commemorative Shortbread Tin (450g)
Royal Ring and Royal Shortbread--the Brits love their biscuits

The Hats & Dress

Worse hats and makeup of the day:  Fergie's two daughters' hats.
Do you agree or disagree?  The worse dressed goes to the PrimeMinister's wife on right--no hat either! 

The Event 
1900 guests invited...nothing spared to make it a perfect Royal event (even if they won't say how much has been spent).  Most poignant is that Prince William invited members of the families of two close friends who died in active military service according to the BBC. 

The Entrance
Kate arrives in her Alexander McQueen wedding gown as was reminiscent of Princess Grace's beautiful wedding gown.  See the comparison at the end of this post.

I liked this poignant moment when Harry turns to watch Kate and then says something to William such as "she's almost here" with a giggle...William never looked back.

Protocol has it that when he salutes, she bows her head.  They did this several times during the ride
back to Buckingham Palace.

The little bridesmaid stole the balcony show!

A Buckelbury Queen

Let Them Eat Cake

The main cake on the left and the groom's biscuit cake on the right.

The gown on the left was made for Princess Grace of Monaco, Kate in middle and Grace at her wedding....stunning resemblances.  Diana and Kate below.

A collection of designer tiered wedding cakes on display at Harrods on April 26, 2011 in London, England. Harrods commemorates the royal wedding with an exquisite collection of tiered designer wedding cakes in its Brompton Road windows.
Harrod's celebrated by displaying different cakes in its display windows

A general view of a window display at Harrods on April 26, 2011 in London, England. Harrods commemorates the royal wedding with an exquisite collection of tiered designer wedding cakes in its Brompton Road windows.

HARRODS - Limited Edition Small Tote HARRODS - Royal Wedding Contemporary Plate
Limited souvenir items at Harrod's for the wedding
Jan Constantine Royal Wedding Commemorative William & Catherine Cushion, NaturalHARRODS - Signature Shopper (Small)
Peter Jones Dept Store Royal Pillow                                     My Harrod's bag

 Full military dress rehearsal of the Royal Wedding 
Long live the King...I mean Queen!

                                                                                                         Bow by Sweet Lily/etsy


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