Express Yourself Through Journals

As a teenager, Oprah Winfrey wrote poems in a journal but later in her career wrote to express gratitude and multiply her blessings.  She featured her journal in the "O" April 2011 Magazine.  
I keep a journal of my Oprah, I use unlined paper so I can doodle and draw interesting details I've observed on a trip that I want to remember (I'm not sure why she uses unlined paper).  I usually do my journaling at night and while commuting to destinations.  I started a journal for my son when he was born. I must have stacks of old sketch journals since I was 8.   As a teacher, I wrote daily journals for students with special needs as a way to maintain good communications.  
There are different purposes for writing journals and an art to writing a good travel journal... see How to Write a Travel Journal That's Worth Reading here 

What kind of journal do you use?  Do you save old love letters and photos in them?  
Do you write your memoirs?  How do you commit to a routine of writing in the journal?
Photos continue...

Oprah's journals above and others from

Vintage Travel Journals by StoriesDivinations-Etsy; Leather-bounds by CraftyLeather- Etsy; Paperfetish-Etsy;  and black or visual hardbound sketch books at any art store.

Don't forget the colored pencils, fine sharpie pen, and erasers!

Share Your Favorite Journals and Ideas!


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