Venice, CA."The Big Lebowski" Bungalows

Piers Morgan interviewed Jeff Bridges this week on his show and they agreed the "Big Lebowski" was an all around good movie-comedy.  Bridges enjoyed playing "Dude" and has actually continued the "look" of Dude since then in my opinion...

606 Venezia Ave. Venice, CA.  $2.295 mi.

The Dude’s apartment, part of a bungalow court located on a quiet side street near Abbot Kinney, attracts film fans—mostly men—on a weekly basis, says realtor Winston Cenac of Venice’s Bulldog Realtors. He represents the six-unit complex, including bungalow 606B, where the fictional Dude resided. Not only do tourists stop and snap pictures, two years ago The Dude Convention (a gathering of fans dressed like… who else?) hosted a photo session at the property. It is now for sale for $1.799 
million—The Dude imper-s-on-ators and residuals not included. 

My other Venice Homes and Garden Tour feature Part One  here


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