Europe: Inspiration

I found this old map and paper flowers from Etsy which inspired me to make 
this collage using a photo techniques app to enhance the colours.

in·spi·ra·tion noun \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən
: a divine influence or the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
: the act of influencing or suggesting opinions
: the quality or state of being inspired

Have you been inspired lately to write a story, paint a piece of furniture, cook a family favorite dish, or make a creative project by hand? Whatever inspires you is usually followed by the thought that "I can do that!" or "I would like to do that."...  It could even be more of a spiritual inspiration provoking feelings and thoughts.  I'm especially inspired by blooming buds and flowers, colors of the landscape, and how colors blend in with other objects.  The unique villages, cultures, products, architecture, foods, in Europe inspire me in many ways...  

Sometimes I just want to cook a better meal with fresh herbs,  shop for antiques, sew a pillow with beautiful fabrics or read a great book...whatever inspires me.

Love the pottery and natural wire baskets.  Inspires the yard saler,  collector or antique shopper...

Another old photo of the Riviera in France, inspires me to use different effects in photos.

The beautiful view of the Santa Maria Church from the balcony of the 
Hotel Mercante using a photo effect.

Fabrics with printed pillows of European buildings inspires the illustrator and seamstress in me!

 Erbario Toscano of Italy has a new olive line of skin and hair products.  
It inspired me to create this color pallet.

The white ceramics and porcelains at Botanik of Santa Barbara, right.  This inspires romance, fluffing up the pillows, painting and decorating using fabrics and vases.  I love white, tans, beige colours and use them in my decorating.

This photo of my mother, Philomena, when she was just 24, inspired me to have a love of Italy and all things Italian.  I created this photo with a special effects app.

I like my sister's Lake Como plate we purchased on one of our trips to Italy.  This inspired the color palette I made from a color app.

Finally the flowers I love so much can inspire a new color palette for decorating a home.  

You don't have to travel to be inspired!


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